Go Write Past it! is the Kryptonite that ousts your Inner Critic and restores sovereignty to your Inner Hero--first and foremost by getting to know that amazing person--the one you've forgotten you are!
Not every day of your journaling practice will be earth-shattering or even memorable. In fact, most of them won't be. However, simply by stopping to do your pages each day, you create space for that possibility. I'm talking about the possibility of passion, joy, forgiveness, creativity, laughter and all the other fruits of a deeply loving and authentic relationship--the one you have with yourself!
Getting what's in your head down on paper objectifies it--literally pulling it out of the ether and into an object you can look at--more, well, objectively! Writing down your fears, no matter how terrifying they feel, inevitably makes them smaller. Whatever you're afraid to feel, express or do, write it down, let it out, and you can begin to let it go--along with of the vice-grip your Inner Critic holds on your heart!
Don't limit yourself! Think (and doodle) outside the box! |
Expanding your journaling practice beyond just writing opens up incredible avenues for fun, expression, and self discovery.
Inner Critic Alert: you'll need to give yourself permission to play! Without your snooty Inner Art Critic peering over your shoulder, you can doodle, color, finger-paint, or do whatever strikes your inner hero's fancy.
Unlock the Playroom
Give yourself a little kindergarten every day and your creativity will get stronger, braver, and more present in your life. Visual journaling gives you back what we usually only afford young children: an unconditionally loving playroom for your creativity to emerge.
Who says you have to write in a journal? |
Come as You Are
There is huge value in just doing "your pages" even when you think you don't have time, don't feel inspired, and think you have nothing to say.
Resist the urge to make your journaling a big deal. Ask yourself instead "What you can I do in five or ten minutes that's meaningful to me?"
If nothing else, you can brainstorm ways to give yourself more time tomorrow. Or you can take 10 minutes to do the Mindfulness Journal exercise below. It's short, sweet, and has the power to change your whole day!
Just Do It!
Get yourself a blank book today (or dust one off from the shelf) and fill three pages--in any way you want. Come back tomorrow and do it again. Rinse and Repeat!
For journaling inspiration check out Journal Juice on my blog
How has journaling helped you outwit your Inner Critc? share your succees stories by commenting below.