Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011 Vision Board

This is my vision board for 2011. It came out of a group experience that I led at a party hosted by  Dr. Deb Kern. Rather than starting with an idea and looking for specific images, I allowed myself to follow a more intuitive process. I led everyone through a guided visualization, afterwards I tore out any image I was drawn to. The most important thing was I didn't censor myself.

Reflecting upon the images I chose and the placement, I've found multiple meanings. 
Each element holds inspiration and guidance for my year. 

Want to make your own vision board? Check out my "how to" post at the end of the Inner Critic Kryptonite "What's Your Dream?" Click Here. (and scroll down)

Want hands-on help? I'll guide you through a vision board of your ideal day in my upcoming class: Your Creative Life.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Maps are Free Coloring Pages

Maps are for coloring

Color outside the lines--or just make  up your own lines

As an art teacher, I used to look down on coloring books. Then my kids reminded me how fun they are. With my Art Snob Inner Critic out of the way, I could admit that I LOVE coloring! It's so soothing and meditative--and dare I say--creative!

Open up your mind and see how many things you can find to color. This map from a fishing trip today made the ride back home a creative playdate. What can you find to color in today?