Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inner Critic Kryptonite #1: Expose It!

ICKIn Once Upon a Time, we left Princess Katherine hiding out in her tower and staring wide-eyed at the mysterious arrival of Captain Creative. We rejoin the Princess as Captain Creative introduces herself...

Before Princess Katherine could say anything, Captain Creative darted over to the tower's  home entertainment system. With the press of a button a strangely familiar video popped up on the screen. "Wait a minute!--these are scenes from my own life!" the Princess exclaimed. With the glasses on the Princess began to see things she had never noticed before. 
"Oh, I remember that day at the Talent Show!" she gasped. "I remember the panic, the embarrassment, the failure!... but wait--Who's that guy?" she asked, pointing to a shifty character in a black mask peeking out from behind the curtain.
 The Princess took off the glasses. Suddenly she couldn't see him anymore. When she put them back on, he reappeared. "So these X-ray glasses let me see my Inner Critic?" she asked incredulously. She put the glasses on --and off--on--and off--just to check it wasn't a trick. Grudgingly convinced, she paused and turned to Captain Creative, "What is my Inner Critic anyway?" 
"Your Inner Critic, Princess, is nothing more than that voice of fear, guilt and self-doubt in your head. You know the one I'm talking about?" The Princess shook her head, knowingly.
Captain Creative went on," It sounds like 'you can't,' 'you shouldn't' or 'who do you think you are?!"  It hates change and  just wants you to stay small and safe up here in your tower, even if it makes your life miserable."
"Why me? What have I done to deserve this?" protested Princess Katherine.
"Oh, It's nothing personal, Princess. Everyone's got an Inner Critic. Some people are just better than others at outsmarting it."
"Great!" the Princess whined. "So what can the rest of us do?"
"Never fear!" Captain Creative beamed."That's why I'm here! I'm here to show you the Inner Critic Kryptonite and teach you its secrets. You'll be a pro in no time! Look how you're already using #1 Expose it....
Faster than a speeding doubt,
more powerful than your Inner Critic,
able to leap creative blocks in a single bound,
It's Inner Critic Kryptonite! 
To Be Continued...
Tune in next time as Princess Katherine takes her Inner Critic head on with Kryptonite#1 Expose It!
In the meantime, you can practice too. Inner Critc busting homework (Goody! my favorite kind!) 

Try This At Home
Put your Xray glasses on and Expose YOUR Inner Critic! 
Wear your Xray glasses this week and carry a mini-notebook with you. Whenever you feel the Fear Phaser shining on you--simply stop for a moment and write down any critical, fearful or worrying thoughts you have. Just notice them, write them down and get on with your day.
Play with being an observer of the process. Without judgement or attachment, pay attention to the following things:
  • Notice what happens before, during and after you expose your Inner Critic
  • Notice what thoughts come up again and again
  • Notice what physical sensations accompany your Inner Critic
If you haven't got your notebook handy, write the words down anywhere--on a napkin, deposit slip or simply say them out loud. Don't worry about fighting your Inner Critic or disproving it just yet. It's a huge first step just to notice it. You'll see the effect of Inner Critic Kryptonite #1: Expose  it! and you'll be ahead of the game for Inner Critc Kryptonite #2--Coming  soon!

Let me know how it goes by posting your Inner Critic's 3 favorite low-blow lines on my blog! 


  1. My Inner Critic had tons to say this morning. He's not a morning person:

    1) You don't know what you're doing!
    2) Is this even what you want to be doing?
    3) You want to do too much, you need to think smaller.

    Boo Hiss. I say. Boo Hiss. He doesn't scare me. Good luck Princess K.
