Monday, February 28, 2011

What I'm Reading

Actually, “What I’m Reading” is bit of an understatement. 
“What’s on my Nightstand” is a more accurate description!

I’m exploring the idea that I don’t have to read a book cover to cover before I can put it away…but I’m not ready to take them off the stack yet!

If you can’t read ‘em, draw ‘em!

1.Get Paid For Who You Are, David Wood
2. What Color Is Your Personality, Carol Ritberger PhD. 
3. 29 Gifts, Cami Walker
4. Mastery, George Leonard
5. The Shack, William P. Young
6. Power Vs. Force, David R. Hawkins MD, Ph.D
7. Siblings Without RivalryFaber and Mazlish
8. The Illuminated RumiJalal Al-Din Rumi

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day! Woo Your Inner Artist with Tiny Creative Acts

One Tiny Creative Act: A Snow-Day Valentine!

Your Inner Critic Art Snob (if you're over the age of 5, you have one!) tells you that real Art, capital-A art is long, hard and complicated. Let your Inner Artist get her hands on the play-dough (or snow). Let her play, Trust me! Especially if you have dreams of big A art.

How do tiny Creative Acts woo your Inner Artist?
 Let me count the ways....

1. they bring you joy and delight
2. they awaken and feed your creative mind
3. they brighten the lives of others
4. they wake you up to the beauty of the world
5. they let your inner artist child come out and play
6. they remind you that creativity is easy, exciting and fun!

Wishing you and your creativity a Happy Valentines Day!  

Please share your Tiny Creative Acts!  
Comment on this post and let us know how this post inspired you to do?
You can also share pictures of your tiny creative acts on My Facebook