Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Inner Critic Kryptonite Files: What's Your Dream?

ICKKatherine's Pic
When we last saw our heroine the Princess, she had just discovered Inner Critic Kryptonite (I.C.K) #1 Expose it! She was thrilled, excited, and dare I say giddy with power--complete with Kung-fu fantasies of black-belt Inner Critic ninja-dom.....

Katherine's Pic


"Don't wear yourself out yet Princess," Captain Creative said smiling as they made their way down the tower's dark stairs. "You'll get your battles. But this is bigger than just your Inner Critic."

"What do you mean," asked Princess Katherine, stepping out into the late afternoon sunshine. "I thought the Kryptonite was all about going after my Inner Critic? "
"The X-Ray glasses, along with all the other Kryptonite you will discover, will be invaluable. But, remember this Princess, " Captain Creative warned. "Your dream is more precious than all the Kryptonite in the world. If you put too much focus on your Inner Critic, he'll blind you to your dream and have you right where he wants you--in the palm of his hand. He'd like nothing more than to keep you running around in circles, too busy to go for your dreams. It's the oldest trick in the book."
"Good Grief! He's trickier than I thought!" said the Princess, looking worried.

" Let me ask you this, Princess. Where was your Inner Critic when you were back up there in the tower?" Captain Creative asked. 

"Hmmm...  I don't remember seeing him," the Princess said.
"Of course not!" Captain Creative exclaimed, "When you're safe in your tower, locked up from the world, your Inner Critic can nap all day long. He only shows up to stop you when you're going towards something that really matters to you."

" So, what's your dream, Princess?" asked Captain Creative. If you could do anything, what would you do?"

"Do anything? My dream?" the Princess muttered, sounding confused. "I'm not used to thinking about my dreams. I'm usually so busy with day-to-day grind of being a Princess."
"Of course! That's what Inner Critics do--they keep you so busy, distracted, or tired, that you don't even have time to think about your dreams."
"Really?" gasped the Princess. "It's my Inner Critic that gets me to volunteer for all those committees?"
"I wouldn't put it past him!" said Captain Creative. "But never fear! That's why I'm here--It's my job to  help you reconnect with your dreams!"
Captain Creative asked the Princess to close her eyes and imagine stepping through a door to her dreams. In her imagination, she looked around and saw her passions and loves as a child, as a girl, even as a grown up! She started to remember this and that, all the things she had always wanted to do.

When she opened her eyes and Captain Creative asked her again " What's your Dream?".... this time the Princess had an answer!

"Name what? " asked the Princess. "I won't know the name of the cookbook until it's done, and doesn't the publisher get to decide the title?"
"Name your DREAM," said Captain Creative. "Your dream is a very big deal. It's going to be your hero's quest. You'll be trekking all over the kingdom and battling gremlins inside and out to get to it. You've gotta have a good name for it--one that inspires you, gives you strength, and helps you remember what it's all about when the going gets tough. Besides, when you name your dream, you make it that much more yours."
"Can it be a funny name?"

"You bet! Inner Critics like funny just about as much as they like Kryptonite. The more fun the better!"

"Well, when I was little I actually got started on the Sparkle-o-Rama Best Ever Cookbook...I had almost forgotten that," giggled the Princess. "That's what I'll call it!"

"You're so much fun, when you let your hair down Princess!" 
"Ok, let's see how we're doing," Captain Creative said, going through her list. "Inner Critic X-ray glasses--check; exit tower--check; name your dream--check. Now, it's time to make a vision board for your dream!"

"A vision board? " asked the Princess "What's that?"

"Oh it's a collage of things that remind you of your dream. Look, I have scissors, glue, and some old magazines right here in my utility belt. Just tear out pictures and words that you like and glue them down on this poster board. You can use your markers and glitter too. It's easy!"  


Tearing and pasting was so much fun that the Princess completely lost track of time. When she stopped and had a look at what she'd done, at first she was thrilled. But almost without realizing it, old familiar thoughts slowly crept into her mind, and she began to second guess herself. She felt like a wet blanket had been dumped on her free-spirited happiness. 
" Hold on a minute!" thought the Princess, reaching for the Inner Critic Kryptonite X-ray glasses...

With the X-ray glasses on, the Princess did something she'd never done before. She saw her Inner Critic, exposed him, and sent him running with his wet blanket between his legs. The look of shock on his face was priceless. She would remember it forever!
"I love these glasses!" squealed the Princess triumphantly.
"You did it, kiddo!" cheered Captain Creative. " You're a natural at Inner Critic busting! But keep those X-ray glasses handy, Princess. We haven't seen the last of that masked man...."
To Be Continued...
Tune in next time as Captain Creative reveals Inner Critic Kryptonite #2 Name It! and Princess Katherine sets out on her Sparkle-o Rama Dream Journey!

Katherine's Pic
In the Mean Time Make Your Own
Vision Board!

You can make a vision board just like the Princess! Remember to keep your X-ray glasses handy to expose your Inner Critic, as well a little notebook to write down and any "wet blanket" messages your Inner Critic throws your way.

Gather your Supplies:
Glue stick, scissors, paper or poster board, and magazines to tear up, plus any other supplies that makes you happy (glitter highly recommended!)  

The Steps:

  • Give yourself permission to play for 30 minutes and make sure your Inner Critic is off doing the dishes or watering the lawn.
  • Gather your supplies and find a comfortable spot.
  • Flip through magazines and rip (yes rip!) out images, words, textures that "speak" to you. When I say speak, I mean they make you say ooo!  yum!  love that!  etc.
  • After about 15 min of tearing and collecting images, get out your glue stick and paper. Start sticking the images down in any way that you like. Feel free to decorate with glitter, stickers, whatever makes you makes you gleefully happy.
  • That's it! You've done it! Now you can display your vision board proudly or tuck it into your journal. It will help activate and manifest your dreams either way.
Fire Vision Board Tips:
  • Don't worry about figuring out what the images you choose mean or why the appeal to you, just listen and gather.
  • Remember to listen to what matters to you--rather than pictures of yachts, stacks of cash, and designer clothes. Unless, of course, those things make you tingle with aliveness and pleasure--in which case use 'em!
  • Please share! Post a picture of your vision board on
    The Inner Critic Kryptonite Facebook Page. Find us on Facebook
    Or tell me about it on my Blog.
    I'd love to see what you've done and so would everyone else! 

Adventure Club:
  • Do your vision board on the cover of your journal. (You may want to cover with clear contact paper to protect it when you're done
  • Scan it and use it as your computer desktop
  • Take a picture of it with your phone and use it as your background
  • Continue to collect images, words, textures, colors in the pocket of your journal and sprinkle them through your pages. 