Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yes, No, Maybe So.....

I've just completed a week of "Reading Deprivation" from The Artist's Way. It's a media "fast"-a psychological and spiritual cleanse from the mental junk food of ever-present chatter . It's an amazing tool, but I was NOT happy about it most evenings! If I swear not to work in the evenings (yeah for me!) and I can't read or watch a movie...what the hell am I supposed to do?---stitch my journal cover ...invent a story with my son...actually sit down for a conversation with my husband...finish that poem I was writing. Which is exactly the point!-it forced me to stop mindlessly munching on other people's creative output and cook up something of my own.

      Another benefit of reading deprivation is more conscious ownership of time and choice. Without TV in the evening, one of my students--a harried mother of three--found time to work on and complete a collage. She swears she'll be pickier about what she allows back through her filter now that the exercise over. Reading Deprivation reveals our implicit choices where we have forgotten they even exist. And choosing to just veg out with a magazine was twice as juicy last night! 

yes, no, maybe

Audio Clips: 

Coaching Corner: Powerful questions to get you thinking. You can journal about them, ponder them, discuss them with your friends.

  • What do you say Yes to that you don't even realize?
  • What "no's" do you take for granted that could possibly be "yeses" or maybes?"
  • What are the place(s) in your life where "maybe" is the best answer for you right now?

  • Name something (a habit, relationship, object, belief etc.) in your life that you feel stuck about : _________________

What are you saying "yes" to about this?

What are you saying "no " to?